Are you looking for the top 10 part-time business ideas in India for 2024? Congrats! you have come to the right place. In India, to make a comfortable living, you must earn around 1 lakh per month which is a dream salary for many.

If you have a job that doesn’t pay this money, you can decide to run a part-time business to have multiple sources of income. In this article, we will discuss the ten best part-time business ideas in India that will require fewer investments and will give you enough profits as well!

Top 10 Part-Time Business Ideas In India For 2024

1. Event Panning

I’m sure that Event Planning is one of the top 10 part-time business ideas in India for 2024 as people in India love organizing events. Event Planners in India earn better than a normal working professional because it is a profitable business. Even if you have a job, you can do the event planning business as a side business and organize events like weddings, birthday parties, Karnavedha (ear piercing ceremonies), and more for people.

Scope of Business: The event management industry in India is growing rapidly. It has a wide range of events ranging from corporate events to weddings and cultural festivals. There’s a demand for well-executed programs, which makes it a promising industry.

Competitiveness: The industry is competitive, but you can stand out with creativity, good organizational skills, and effective marketing.

2. Online Tutor

The next best one on the list of top 10 part-time business ideas in India for 2024 is Online tutoring. This business has become prominent, especially with the rise of e-learning platforms. You can specialize in topics that you feel are easy, which leads to effective knowledge transfer. You can tutor academic subjects, music, languages, etc., and earn money online. The demand for online tutoring also continues to grow, making it a profitable part-time business idea.

Scope of Business: The market for online tutoring is growing rapidly in India. With the rise of e-learning, online learners are in high demand.

Competitiveness: There is plenty of competition, but specializing in a niche can give you an edge.

3. Cloud kitchen

Cloud kitchens are also one of the top 10 part-time business ideas in India for 2024 in which you can operate without a restaurant. This business focuses solely on food delivery and you need to hire a couple of delivery agents to do so. In this Cloud Kitchen platform, you can create a wide range of dishes and showcase them on your online site or app to attract people. Moreover, this business caters to changing consumer preferences and offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional restaurants.

Scope of Business: The food delivery market is booming, and cloud kitchens are meeting this demand because of the growing popularity of online food delivery.

Competitiveness: The market is competitive, but unique food offerings and efficient distribution can set you apart.

4. Content Writing

Content writing is quite important for businesses, websites, blogs, and social media. When you create interesting, informative, and SEO-friendly content, the readers tend to follow you create traffic to your site, and generate revenue. Content writers specialize in different niches such as travel, technology, health, or finance. This is one of the top 10 part-time business ideas in India for 2024 that anyone can do in their leisure. Moreover, content writing offers flexibility, allowing writers to work remotely and collaborate with clients around the world.

Scope of Business: Content writing is in high demand due to digital marketing. Businesses need quality content for websites, blogs, and social media.

Competitiveness: The field is competitive, but knowledge and consistent performance can help you succeed.

5. Social Media Marketing

In today’s digital era, Social media marketing has become one of the most sought-after business strategies that business owners follow. You can make use of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote businesses, products, and services of various business owners and get paid from them. This is one of the top 10 part-time business ideas in India for 2024 which is easy to do so! All you need is to create engaging content, run targeted ads, and analyze performance metrics, stay updated on trends, algorithms, and that;’s it!

Scope of Business: Social media usage is relatively higher in India which is why companies rely on it to build brand and customer engagement. Moreover, it is one of the most unique business ideas to increase your online sales as well.

Competitiveness: The field is competitive, but understanding the trends and targeting the right audience can yield positive results.

6. Personalized Gifts

Do you love gifts?! If you are a creative person, you can try making personalized gifts for customers and earn money from it. This business involves creating unique and customized items for special occasions like birthdays, weddings, and others. You can try making engraved jewelry to custom-made mugs, that evoke emotions and memories. Try giving personalization options, such as names, photos, or heartfelt messages. Moreover, you can market your business through social media, e-commerce platforms, and local markets, for a better reach.

Scope of Business: Personalized gifts are very popular on special occasions. You can sell them online or through local markets.

Competitiveness: The market is not as competitive as you think, what matters in this field is that creativity and unique design can attract buyers.

7. Photography

I would say that photography is indeed one of the most enjoyable part-time business ideas in India for 2024. You can capture moments, emotions, and stories through lenses and enjoy doing this as your part-time business. You can specialize in a variety of fields like portraits, weddings, fashion, nature, or event photography. In India, the wedding photography business is at its peak! All you need is high-quality cameras, lenses, and editing software to make money from event planners for the customers directly.

Scope of Business: As India is famous for personal and public events, Photography part-time business has a better scope.

Competitiveness: There are many event planners which makes the field competitive, but a good job and a strong department can help you excel.

8. Vlogging

I’m sure everyone is aware of vlogging on YouTube as it has become one of the top 10 part-time business ideas in India for 2024. You have the freedom to create and share video content on various topics such as travel, lifestyle, technology, cooking, movie reviews, education channels, and more. If you run an educational YouTube channel, you won’t need much investment as well. The rise of affordable smartphones, internet, and high-quality cameras is the reason for the boom of vlogging in India.

Scope of Business: Vlogging is popular in India and will never see a recession. Pick a niche (travel, lifestyle, tech) and do interesting things that will go viral.

Competitiveness: The vlogging space is competitive in India, but consistency and unique content can attract customers.

9. Home Bakery

How about starting a home bakery?! Home baking has become a popular trend in India due to natural and healthy products. Starting a home bakery is relatively easy, but it takes dedication and business strategies to make the business grow. You can work from your kitchens, using a combination of basic tools such as ovens, bowls, and spatulas. That means you invest only in raw materials like flour, sugar, eggs, etc.  It is one of the top 10 part-time business ideas in India for 2024 to be profitable as well! 

Scope of Business: The market for healthy gluten-free bakery products, that make use of healthy ingredients like wheat, millet, etc. You will see your graph go high!

Competitiveness: It is quite competitive but, when you ensure the quality and make healthy products considering the customer’s health, you will become a successful business owner.

10. Freelance Graphic Designer

As business owners have moved onto digital marketing, Freelance graphic designers are the need of the hour who can create visual content for branding, marketing, and communication. It is one of the top 10 part-time business ideas in India for 2024 that can earn you money better than your job. All you have to learn is to design logos, brochures, websites, social media posts, and more to become a good designer. Moreover, you must be well-versed in software skills (such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop), for better designing.

Scope of Business: Graphic design is important for branding, websites, and marketing materials. Freelancing graphic design is one of the best small-scale business ideas that offers flexibility.

Competitiveness: The market is competitive, but creativity and satisfying customer needs can lead to success.